How Does Our Garden Grow? Today Not Tomorrow Family Resource Center

This summer is the second year of our partnership with Kids Forward and the Farm to Early Care and Education Initiative. We expanded our garden to two plots and 12 container gardens. Under the direction and leadership of Sharon Isensee, our lead Garden volunteer, planting day, May 13th  was definitely a family affair! Shelbi Jentz from UW Health stopped by on May 15th and helped the children plant container gardens. In all we planted onions, carrots, peas, Mexican cucumbers, beets, purple beans, tomatoes, peppers, parsley, sage, oregano and basil! 

We will be have a free Fresh Produce and Fruit Market on Saturdays from 11 am to 1 pm. This free market will include fresh vegetables and fruit from the FEED Kitchen and Healthy Food for All, and shoppers will be able to choose the items they would like. We will have recipes and tastings of produce! This free market is funded in part by a SEED Grant from the City of Madison. Watch for our flyers about workshops on how to preserve foods and even how to make infant and toddler foods! For more information stop in and visit us, or call 608-268-6968.