Each week, our youth learn about other cultures through interactive art projects. Living in a multicultural society requires understanding and respecting those from other cultures. One of the best ways to encourage this value is through arts education. Art is a powerful force that helps to shape attitude, beliefs, values, and behaviors. Through hands-on art education, students get to experience other cultures in a fun and inclusive environment.
On Thursday evenings UW-Madison Master of Social Work students and local MMSD teachers facilitate art projects with youth at the EMCC to explore the world through art. Students learn about different countries during Learning Center and have the opportunity to create art reminiscent of that culture. This year, while studying Guatemala, Ghana, Mexico, and India, students have made Guatemalan worry dolls, Ghanaian kente cloth, Mexican Ojos de Dios, and Indian mandalas.

The EMCC’s multicultural arts programming is generously supported by individual donors and The American Girl’s “A Fund for Children” managed through the Madison Community Foundation.
For more information about EMCC Multicultural Arts programs, view the Multicultural Arts page.